Jayson Oatman was born in Queens and raised in the Bronx. He is a true New Yorker by Heart. After years of trial and tribulations, Mr. Oatman decided its time to invest in himself. Being that he has been into fashion since a child what better to invest in then his love "Fashion". He funded everything himself with hard owned funds and is working his way up to where he feel his creativity should be.
The daughter and 1st child of Jayson Oatman. Brooke is an energetic stylish young lady who isn't afraid to express her own style and creativity. She is also an inspiring Youtuber who has been working on her own Youtube channel. If it was up to Brooke the world would be rainbows, peace and unicorns. Oh, lets not forget watermelons LOL(our favorite fruit).
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut.